Saturday, December 1, 2007


Upon reflecting on this course I think it has been important for us to understand that creativity flows at different levels and expressed in varying degrees. I don’t believe in the phrase, “I’m not a creative person,” as I alluded to in one of my prior blogs. It just takes that precious time we are in so short supply of to explore or “identify” a distinguishable artistic ability. Either that, or we pass it off as not meeting the “im a creative person critieria.” Certainly singing, drama, visual arts, and music are “the arts," but there is so much more. We can teach our students to think creatively about the subjects they learn whether that be in math (as Stephanie referred to in her blog), Science (as seen in Erin’s blog), poems and writing to the soul (Sherry’s blog), elements of photography (everyones blog), and symbology (numerous blogs).

1 comment:

Willow Brown said...

Matthew, what an incredibly beautiful image! I am trying not to comment but to read quickly so I can complete the grades. I couldn't resist commenting on this one.